
News and events

All the news, events, initiatives and projects promoted or organised by Reale Foundation.

The news symbolic LAC system presented at Palazzo Biandrate

The news symbolic LAC system presented at Palazzo Biandrate

The press conference launching the new symbolic LAC system was held yesterday, Tuesday 16 February. The system is a project of Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano with us as part ...

Inauguration of FibroLab for researching chronic kidney diseases 

Inauguration of FibroLab for researching chronic kidney diseases 

On Friday, 26 January 2024, the new FibroLab Research Laboratory was inaugurated in the Health Centre building of the City of Torino Healthcare authority, in Lungo Dora Savona 26. The lab focuses on early dia ...

The World Mitochondrial Disease Week concludes with Light Up for Mito

The World Mitochondrial Disease Week concludes with Light Up for Mito

With its headquarters in the Reale Mutua History Museum wrapped in a green hug, Reale Foundation gets together for Light Up for Mito. This is an awareness-raising campaign that focuses attention on the issue of mitoc ...

Slow Food Chile: the 10 chilean comminities recognised this year too

Slow Food Chile: the 10 chilean comminities recognised this year too

Reale Foundation and Slow Food are promoting sustainability in the food sector this year too, awarding ten Chilean Slow Food communities for their innovative and sustainable projects that respond to ...

Kiev Ambassador meets young Ukrainian patients at Regina Margherita Hospital

Kiev Ambassador meets young Ukrainian patients at Regina Margherita Hospital

The Ukrainian ambassador in Italy, Yaroslav Menyk, was in Turin to thank the Region and local organisations for the support received, visiting the Piedmont capital on Thursday, 9 March. Here, he met ...

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: Reale Foundation and UNHCR help the population

Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: Reale Foundation and UNHCR help the population

On 6 February, serious earthquakes struck the south-east of Turkey, bringing the country to its knees, and the north-west of Syria, just a few hours apart. There were tens of thousands of victims, hu ...

Reale Foundation brings a ton of basic necessities to Moldova

Reale Foundation brings a ton of basic necessities to Moldova

450 boxes full of children’s products, toiletries, first aid kits, blankets, and winter clothing were collected in March by Reale Foundation at the Reale Mutua History Museum. It was a humanitarian mission p ...

The vaccine hub set up by Reale Group and Sermig at the Arsenale della Pace closes

The vaccine hub set up by Reale Group and Sermig at the Arsenale della Pace closes

Yesterday, Thursday 31 March, the vaccine hub that Reale Group and Sermig set up in the premises of the Arsenale della Pace last 2 January was closed. Over 88 days' work, 74,789 doses were admin ...

Two lung respirators donated to the I.R.C.C.S San Raffaele Hospital in Milan

Two lung respirators donated to the I.R.C.C.S San Raffaele Hospital in Milan

RealeFoundation, the corporate foundation of Reale Group, donated to I.R.C.C.S. San Raffaele Hospital in Milan two lung respirators to set up the new intensive care unit. Like other respiratory diseases, new Coronav ...

The first kits of the "Safe Children" project have been delivered

The first kits of the "Safe Children" project have been delivered

This morning (09.03.2020) RealeFoundation and Specchio dei Tempi donated the first kits of the "Safe Children" project to the Anna Frank primary school in Turin. The KIt are a real help that Reale Foundatio ...

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