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The news symbolic LAC system presented at Palazzo Biandrate

Published on 17 Apr 2024

The press conference launching the new symbolic LAC system was held yesterday, Tuesday 16 February. The system is a project of Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano with us as partners together with #RUNFOREMMA & friends ETS.

Moderated by Luca Rossin, Head of Reale Foundation, and introduced with a speech by Jacopo Rosatelli, Deputy Mayor of Welfare, Rights, and Equal Opportunities of the City of Torino, the Policlinico and #RUNFOREMMA guests presented the LAC symbols to the audience. They described the genesis of the project, its evolution, and the future horizons in terms of development and applications.

The press conference location was not randomly chosen: the symbolic LAC system was actually applied for the first time at the Reale Mutua Archive Museum, to assist visitors in reading labels and text in the museum's exhibitions.

LAC is a new original symbolic system that is Free, Open, and Mindful of the Italian language, a structured and coherent set of symbols for Augmentative and Alternative Communication. It takes up the challenge of speaking Italian, expressing desires, thoughts, stories, and needs, beyond any physical and cognitive limits.

As a Foundation, we are proud to have participated in developing such an innovative and versatile project, which can help people exercise a right as essential as communicating.

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Free Communication 

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