News and events

The World Mitochondrial Disease Week concludes with Light Up for Mito

Published on 23 Sep 2023

With its headquarters in the Reale Mutua History Museum wrapped in a green hug, Reale Foundation gets together for Light Up for Mito. This is an awareness-raising campaign that focuses attention on the issue of mitochondrial diseases and the importance of research by illuminating monuments and places of interest throughout the world.

That is how the World Mitochondrial Disease Week concludes. This year too, we wished to participate, standing alongside Mitocon, the reference organisation in Italy for people affected by mitochondrial diseases and their families, whose partners we have been for several years now.

In-depth scientific webinars, the inauguration of Mitocorners within Italian hospitals, but also life stories, like those of Francesca and Francesco: many themes have been explored, alongside new developments and cues for reflection. As a Foundation committed to promoting health and welfare, we are renewing the invitation to learn about rare diseases, like mitochondrial ones, to properly recognise and interact with them. Above all, however, we are highlighting the essential importance of supporting research, a pillar of a healthier future.

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