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Earthquake in Turkey and Syria: Reale Foundation and UNHCR help the population

Published on 22 Feb 2023

On 6 February, serious earthquakes struck the south-east of Turkey, bringing the country to its knees, and the north-west of Syria, just a few hours apart. There were tens of thousands of victims, hundreds more missing and wounded. The earth did not stop shaking and, on 20 February, two more strong shocks again struck the country.

UNHCR immediately intervened in the field and Reale Foundation too, by launching fund-raising to help the communities brought to their knees by the earthquake.

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Hundreds of buildings have collapsed, public infrastructure has been destroyed, and property damaged. The roads and telecommunications networks were struck too, hindering search and rescue efforts.

Hundreds of thousands of internally displaced people are concentrated in the area and the weather conditions in the last few weeks have complicated the rescue operations, with the cold still gripping the whole area affected. Again, when faced with such tragedies, we can be the difference between life and death for whole families, children, and the elderly.

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