A sustainable community knows its history and traditions and values them, not to avoid change but to evolve with awareness. This fosters mutual exchange and enrichment, counteracting individualism and respecting the traditions of others.

What the project involves

Vol.To's project aims to increase knowledge of traditions and enhance the cultural heritage of the Turin area through an event in Piazza Bodoni that will involve citizens in Risorgimento dances, historical performances, and mountain songs. In line with Goal 11 of the 2030 Agenda, the initiative contributes to making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

Expected Outcomes

  • Greater knowledge of traditions and community
  • Direct contact with local voluntary organisations
  • Creating a sustainable community through knowledge of one's history to evolve with awareness
  • Countering individualism in favour of mutual exchange and enrichment

The beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries are the 15,000 citizens, students, and teachers who will participate in the event and learn about cultural traditions through the proposed activities. The indirect beneficiaries are the 160 voluntary sector organisations and around 450 volunteers in Piazza Bodoni who, together with the professionals involved (musicians, technicians, shopkeepers), will learn about local traditions.


Project name: Il Dono del Volontariato 2024
Proposing organisation: Volontariato Torino ETS - Vol.To
Area of intervention: Environment & Sustainable Communities
Country: Italy