The Società Cooperativa Sociale Demetra operates in Avellino and throughout the Campania region, involving people in obtaining qualifications that can be used in the catering industry and offering them mental, physical, and employment support.

What the project involves

Through a course led by chefs from the Associazione Cuochi Avellinesi and apprenticeships in hospitality companies, Demetra works on the inclusion and socio-economic development of younger generations, especially in the case of unemployed young people in the addiction treatment community, women who have suffered abuse, and people with disabilities.

It has also been shown how initiatives of this kind facilitate social inclusion through the exchange of stories and experiences among those involved.

Expected Outcomes

  • Professional skills in hygiene, occupational safety, and cooking techniques
  • Work reintegration of individuals in difficult circumstances
  • Greater integration and autonomy of participants
  • Training of qualified staff for accommodation facilities

The beneficiaries

The project will involve 10 young people among those nearing the end of their treatment journey, women victims of violence, and people with disabilities. All beneficiaries will be identified based on aptitude and individual life goals.

The initiative will then produce knock-on effects for the families of the beneficiaries, including children under the age of 18, and the local community.


Project name: Reinserimento in Rete
Proposing organisation: Demetra Società Cooperativa Sociale
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Italy