The encounter between able-bodied young people and those with disabilities presents us with a challenge, aware that the former need the latter. The able-bodied need to incorporate what disability reflects, namely their own fragility, and the disabled to find stimuli in their companions that reveal unexpressed potential.

What the project involves

With this project, Turin will have its first Baskin team, thus entering the Piedmont circuit of inclusive basketball with Avigliana, Borgomanero, Carmagnola, and Omegna.

In addition, involving able-bodied and disabled athletes in the same team makes it possible to cultivate a new model of inclusion based not on mere openness towards disability, but on a true and mutual osmosis. While maintaining the competitive dimension, the athlete comes before performance in inclusive sport.

Expected Outcomes

  • Implementing the local sports offering
  • Relieving the burden on families
  • Supporting the development of motor and cognitive skills and working on autonomy

The beneficiaries

20 able-bodied and physically and mentally disabled athletes directly benefit from Ming Bai's project. In addition, the families, who are supported in finding activities for their children to help them grow, and the entire city, which witnesses the creation of project of great cultural significance that can be replicated, enjoy the effects of the initiative.


Project name: Just Baskin
Proposing organisation: Ming Bai
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Italy