Alt Empordá has few leisure possibilities for people with functional diversity. The region has very different socio-demographic households, but the need for recreation is the same for all. The Centre de Lleure El Dofí was founded in 1992 specifically to offer leisure options in the area, as well as respite spaces for families involved in care.

What the project involves

The project is aimed at all persons with intellectual disabilities in the Alt Empordá region who want to enjoy their leisure time but are not supported by the region’s public services.

The planned activities, carried out outside the region to broaden the horizons of those involved, range from theatre, music, and dance to sports and summer centres.

Expected Outcomes

  • Promoting the inclusion of people with IDDs through leisure time
  • Offering quality recreational activities adapted to each person's abilities
  • Promoting autonomy
  • Offering respite to family members and caregivers
  • Improving social skills
  • Giving voice to people with IDDs

The beneficiaries

The project will involve about 115 beneficiaries per year, following a schedule: creative activities on Fridays, sports activities (adapted football and basketball) on Saturday mornings, recreational activities on Saturday afternoons, summer centres in July and August from 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 4 days of camp in August.


Project name: Ocio inclusivo
Proposing organisation: Centre de Lleure El Dofí
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Spain