The project will be implemented in the Province of Cuenca, mainly in towns where the Caritas parish is present. Regardless of the size of the municipalities, families will be able to access the services offered. This will promote local consumption. 

What the project involves

With this project, the Cáritas Diocesana of Cuenca will deliver wallet cards to improve access to food, promoting responsible and local consumption. It involves changing the type of aid that will be combined with comprehensive assistance for the families involved, promoting dignity, personal autonomy, and freedom in choosing foods.

The wallet card will avoid the provision of food bags, which do not allow one to choose what to eat. In this way, households will be able to cover their food needs in a normalised way.

Expected Outcomes

  • Strengthening people's autonomy
  • Greater dignity of aid
  • More privacy for users
  • Possibility of choosing one's own food
  • Coverage of basic food and hygiene needs

The beneficiaries

There are 45 direct beneficiary families of this project, with an average of 4 members. Therefore, the total number of direct beneficiaries is 180. Indirect beneficiaries include small business owners in rural areas and large supermarkets in the capital.


Project name: Dignificar la Alimentación
Proposing organisation: Caritas Diocesana de Cuenca
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Spain