Fratelli della Stazione ETS urgently addresses the problem of youth unemployment by offering training and concrete employment opportunities. Reducing this phenomenon is essential not only to improve the living conditions of young people, but also to foster the economic and social stability of the area. Creating job opportunities for young people means investing in the future of the community, preventing emigration and stimulating sustainable and lasting development. Through targeted programmes, the association aims to provide essential skills for entering the modern labour market.

What the project involves

With this project, Fratelli della Stazione ETS will offer digital literacy and financial management courses to improve the basic skills of young people by providing them with the necessary skills to enter the labour market.

Expected Outcomes

  • Development of digital, professional, and entrepreneurial skills
  • Promoting the employability of young people in Foggia
  • Economic inclusiveness

The beneficiaries

The project directly targets 30 young people in Foggia, aged between 16 and 30, selected on the basis of economic and social vulnerability criteria. Indirectly, families will benefit from improved employment prospects and greater economic stability for their children.


Project name: Foggia Future Makers
Proposing organisation: Fratelli della Stazione ETS
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Italy