Con.Te.Sto ODV’s work is based on developing experiences intimately connected with the practice of dance, proposing choreographic works that are effective in empowering individuals and groups, in line with the educational and interpersonal goals that often motivate artistic journeys.

What the project involves

The project aims to involve young people with autism spectrum disorder in Ruvo di Puglia, Bisceglie, and Trani in three intensive days of choreographic practices in appropriately organised premises. Participants work first on a one-on-one basis and then in small groups.

There will also be opportunities to give back to the public at the municipal theatre of Ruvo di Puglia or at association venues, depending on each participant's ability to withstand the emotional stress that a performance can cause.

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhancing personal expressive resources, stimulating the telling of ideas, feelings, and stories through body language
  • Bringing the individual's creativity to light
  • Developing coordination skills, alone and in groups

The beneficiaries

The activity will involve 25 young people aged between 3 and 25 years with autism spectrum disorder, pairing them after the start-up phase with normo-typical tutor peers of the same age from their social or family background (schoolmates, siblings, cousins).


Project name: Coreografie dal cuore
Proposing organisation:Con.Te.Sto - Odv
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Italy