According to the Ministry of Health, less than 5 per cent of men under the age of 20 undergo preventive screening, while, with regard to women, there is inadequate awareness of the functioning of the urinary system and the most frequent diseases such as cystitis, prolapse, and incontinence.

What the project involves

The project adopts the One Health perspective of the 2030 UN Agenda, offering scientific seminars to adolescent students. The seminars highlight how prevention and healthy lifestyles affect the reduction of common modifiable risk factors (poor diet, lack of physical activity, tobacco consumption) and intermediate risk factors (being overweight, obesity) associated with the spread of frequent chronic diseases, such as cancer and infertility.

Expected Outcomes

  • Promoting adolescent uro-andrological disease prevention through informed education on sometimes hidden or unrecognised urological diseases
  • Stimulating awareness in young people about the impact of lifestyle on health

The beneficiaries

Secondary school students are identified as direct beneficiaries, with the remaining school population (including teaching and non-teaching staff) as indirect beneficiaries. There are 616 secondary schools in the Calabria Region and 1,386 in the Region of Sicily.


Project name: Prevenzione uro-andrologica adolescenziale 
Proposing organisation: Totó Morgana Onlus
Area of intervention: Health & Welfare
Country: Italy