Sport can play a fundamental role in creating a sense of belonging to a place, to a neighbourhood, to the city, especially in the youngest segments of the population.

To this end, it is essential to offer girls and boys functional and pleasant places for sports aggregation, allowing them to do activities a stone's throw from their homes or schools. It is precisely to this need that the project of the Consulta per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Artistici e Culturali di Torino wants to respond in the area of Via Regio Parco in the Piedmontese capital.

The urban regeneration project of the Via Mascagni garden by the Council for the Enhancement of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Turin

The public green area affected by the intervention is located in the Regio Parco area (Barriera di Milano district), more precisely in Via Lorenzo Perosi, which was the subject of a public housing project in 1967. The complex created in those years, now commonly known as 'le case di Corso Taranto', accommodates more than 1,000 families, covering an area between Corso Taranto, Via Saverio Mercadante, Via Pergolesi, Via Cilea, Via Tartini, Via Pergolesi and Via Corelli, Via Perosi and Via Mascagni, Via Tartini and Via Cilea.

The Council's project aims to offer young people a new area within the Garden of Via Perosi, creating new opportunities for sociality and involvement, and giving more tools to the Associations that garrison the area to carry out their own involvement activities.

In addition to the activities carried out by the organisations, the inclusion of new street furniture will guarantee a broader use, increasing the possibilities for families to organise moments of sociability, parties or simply relaxation. The restoration of the five-a-side football pitch, which has always been a central element of the project, will once again become the first attraction for a large number of young people who will see in this intervention a redemption, a new opportunity to believe that even the most peripheral areas of the city are considered important.

The beneficiaries

The entire Barriera di Milano neighbourhood, with over 50,000 residents, will benefit from the Council's intervention in the area. 

Sport will act as a real inclusive and proactive lever for future generations: the free accessibility of the field and gymnastic equipment will also be able to involve and attract the inhabitants of nearby neighbourhoods, offering an opportunity for residents to socialise.


Project's name: Progetto di rigenerazione urbana del giardino di Via Mascagni
Proposing organization: Consulta per la Valorizzazione dei Beni Artistici e Culturali di Torino
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development