Ambohimitombo II is a remote village approximately 50 km from Ambositra (Madagascar). Its school, the only hope for liberation in an extremely poor region, was destroyed by the rainy season hurricanes and the children who used to attend it now face a journey of more than one hour to reach the closest school building. This results in school dropouts and lower education rates, which were already low.

The project

For years, Africa Mission Cattedrale di Avezzano has supported the socio-cultural and healthcare development of villages not served by the Madagascar state by collecting and regularly sending humanitarian aid, organising various dispensaries to familiarise the communities concerned with evidence-based medicine, and ensuring more than 200 children can attend school.

With this project, the Mission wishes to rebuild the destroyed school, so that the children of Ambohimitombo II can get back to learning. The mayor of the village is not able to reconstruct the building since the central government neither has the funds nor is interested in doing so – not considering education to be a priority. But the village's inhabitants are of the opposite opinion. They would lend their labour if the project was launched.

Schooling is actually a priority in such poor areas, since it is the only way out of situations of oppression and disempowerment.

The beneficiaries

With the construction of the school, it will be possible to ensure more than 100 children of Ambohmitombo II the chance to attend. Otherwise, they would not have this opportunity. Currently, only a very small number travel by foot to the neighbouring villages and these are mainly older kids; this means that whole generations of children in the area are currently deprived of their right to education.

All the village inhabitants involved in the construction of the building would, then, benefit from this project.


Project name: Let’s build a school in the village of Ambohimitombo II
Proposing organisation: Africa Mission Cattedrale di Avezzano
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development