The project takes shape at the Centro Agroalimentare di Torino (C.A.A.T.) and in the headquarters of the Servizio Missionario Giovani (SER.MI.G. - Young Missionary Service). The planned activities derive from the convergence of multiple interests and opportunities. Surplus fruit and vegetable products are systematically available at C.A.A.T., products that are particularly important for a healthy and balanced diet. These are surpluses which without the intervention of the Bank would be destined for the landfill.

Thanks to the commitment of volunteers and the active participation of partners like Abele Group and SER.MI.G, the products collected are distributed every week to 24 charitable organisations in the area, thus reaching the table of over 7,000 needy people in Piedmont.

Despite the slight improvement in the economy, the relative and absolute poverty indices are not improving and those in Piedmont are the highest in the north of Italy. The Bank's activity, aimed at the poorest and most marginalised categories, is conceived and takes the form of support for the activities of charitable organisations that operate efficiently throughout the region. Support is provided through food products which, by reducing the costs of food, allow those assisted to dedicate more resources to other priorities of the family budget: home, school, utilities etc. In the specific case of the project, the collaboration with the Abele Group and with SER.MI.G. focuses primarily on supporting combating the economic and existential hardship of young people looking for ways out of degradation, addictions and marginality.

The Food Bank, according to its Articles of Association, does not intervene directly on those assisted, but operates indirectly, giving its support to accredited charities active in the area.

Name of the project: Insieme al C.A.A.T. (Together with C.A.A.T.)
Name of the proposing entity: Banco Alimentare del Piemonte Non-Profit Organisation
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Starting Date: 01/01/2018
End date: 31/12/2018