77% of Italian students consider themselves responsible for their own financial affairs, but do not find adequate tools in schools to meet this need. Not only that: poor financial literacy can lead to long-term negative effects such as an increased risk of over-indebtedness, being a victim of scams, economic violence, and cyberviolence.

What the project involves

Global Thinking Foundation wants to raise students' awareness of economic violence through innovative teaching using comics and docufilms. The project has already been implemented in secondary schools and has yielded excellent results.

The impact of the initiative will be tracked through a survey at the beginning and at the end of the course, so as to monitor the change triggered.

Expected Outcomes

  • Greater financial and economic literacy
  • Countering economic violence
  • Stimulating the use of innovative and non-traditional teaching methods

The beneficiaries

The direct beneficiaries of the project will be the students of five institutions in Italy that express an interest in the project. Stimulated by topics that are not otherwise taught as part of the conventional curriculum, students continue to reflect, outside school hours, sharing their considerations with friends and family with a cascading effect of considerable impact.


Project name: Libere di... VIVERE a Scuola
Proposing organisation: Global Thinking Foundation
Area of intervention: Inclusion & Social Development
Country: Italy