Aree di intervento


Reale Foundation sostiene iniziative per contrastare l’insorgenza di malattie croniche favorendo attività di prevenzione.


Reale Foundation promuove attività per favorire l’inclusione finanziaria e assicurativa di giovani appartenenti a categorie svantaggiate o con disabilità.


Reale Foundation sostiene iniziative per rendere le città inclusive, sicure, resilienti e sostenibili.

Moderni per tradizione

Creare nuove relazioni e nuove collaborazioni attraverso le idee.

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Contest Together 4 a Better World: vota il tuo progetto preferito!

Snakes' Truck

Snakes' Truck

Most children and young people with Spinal Muscular Atrophy or similar neuromuscular diseases cannot move around independently. When they decide to take up a sport, families have to invest in specially equipped electric wheelchairs, which also require new organisation when travelling for training and competitions.

Fundación Olivares Care Unit

Fundación Olivares Care Unit

The Hospital Materno of Malaga is a reference centre for most of Andalusia, Ceuta, Melilla, and Morocco. It is at the forefront of cancer treatment, bone marrow transplants, and the treatment of serious diseases. The Fundación Olivares works in coordination with the hospital to offer its services to patients, since they are not offered by the public administration or are insufficient.​

Fly with AMA.LE

Fly with AMA.LE

Prali (TO) is embarking on a journey to make the area more welcoming to people with physical and cognitive disabilities, which includes training staff in tourism and recreational activities and investing in projects to make spaces more accessible. These include the adventure park, which is frequented by young people and adults alike to practise sports surrounded by greenery.

Target 2025 Italian PCF Cup

Target 2025 Italian PCF Cup

The mission of ASD Thunder Roma is to fully include young people with disabilities through sport (in particular powerchair football), a decisive factor in personal development. To guarantee this right, however, support is needed to meet the huge costs involved in participating in a competition as important as the 2025 Italian PCF Cup.



According to the WHO, 1 in 4 adults does not get enough physical activity to be healthy. These include people with disabilities, who are often unable to participate in sports due to a lack of facilities and trained staff. RunChallenge is a community open to all that values the diversity of each individual, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.

On a tray

On a tray

Access to the employment world is a fundamental right, being one of the most effective ways to promote the inclusion and autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities. For individuals with Down syndrome, job training is very limited: without specific learning opportunities dedicated to their needs, their professional and social development is paralysed.​


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